How do you support people in uncertain times?
Here is lemon juice reality:
- Lemon juice is made by squeezing lemons
- Lemon juice is sour and can affect one’s composure
- Lemon juice can be transformed into something greater
Now, a quick-shift in thought to your work place…a reality check of sorts.
For many businesses and people, current uncertain times are a shot of “lemon juice”. With that in mind, three questions:
- What does the “squeezing of the lemon” look like?
- Laying off people with families
- Cutting wages and benefits
- Instituting furloughs
- Budget cut backs
- Unfunded 401k
- Do more, with less
- Other…
- How is the “squeezing of the lemon” affecting others?
- Tired…additional stress
- Feeling overworked
- Fearful, anxious about the future
- Taken for granted
- Irritable and tense
- Unappreciated
- How are you transforming the “lemon juice” into a refreshing beverage?
Pass the sugar!
Could it be that your expression of gratitude and appreciation will transform the lemon juice into a refreshing beverage?
What happens if you pull out the time-honored practice of a hand written personal note?
If you are looking to encourage your team, this could be the sugar.
As Harvard Business School professor, Rosabeth Moss Kanter writes:
Send notes of appreciation to the people on your team telling them specifically what you value about each of them as colleagues. Surprise them with something they might not know that you notice. No form letters. Preferably handwritten notes, to stand out in the impersonal email clutter.
If you are not the big boss, you could also ask the next level above you to send a letter to your team acknowledging their contributions.
How will you let people know you appreciate them?
Speaking of lemonade, last week I announced our upcoming Tulsa Area Event – “The Lemonade Journey”. Perhaps you know of someone that would benefit from attending.
The Lemonade Journey:
Finding your way through unemployment, underemployment, and uncertain times
Thursday, April 29
Registration & Coffee Networking
Sponsored by Kaffe Bona
7:30 a.m. to 8:15 a.m.
Event Speakers
8:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
Venue 68
Just south of
Asbury United Methodist Church
6910 South 101st East Avenue
a free event
Whether you or someone you know faces unemployment, underemployment, or the uncertainty of some other life difficulty, The Lemonade Journey will provide encouragement and inspiration.
The gathering will help people looking for encouragement as they seek answers to the question: “What’s next?”
For more information and to RSVP: The Lemonade Journey
Please forward to people in your world who may have an interest.
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