Okay, I admit it, I’m not a fan of Daylight Saving Time. I wish our clocks could be left alone, aligned with high noon.
There’s little evidence DST achieves its primary goal of energy savings. According to SleepBetter.org the Lost Hour costs the American economy $434 million in lost production and medical expenses. Regardless, we continue this costly practice.
Research shows that workers with inadequate sleep (seemingly the “new norm,” beyond DST) are “likely to be less ethical, less morally aware, more prejudiced, and more apt to engage in abusive supervision.”
What do you think — cost vs. benefit — why do we keep daylight savings time?
What about other thieves?
Last weekend, I remember thinking, “They’ve stolen another hour of my life.” And since daylight savings time is out of my control, the potential for frustration was presented.
That’s when the “truth in the Story” dawned upon me.
Yes, the ritual of daylight savings time is out of my control, but what about the other time bandits? What else robs me of time? What about the time wasters that are within my control? What about those practices that steal more than an hour once a year?
What a waste!
When our actions or use of something results in an unnecessary loss of something valuable, it’s called waste. And what is so valuable? Time, measured in seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years — your lifetime.
While it’s true none of us know the length of our lifetime, there are stages when we become more mindful of life’s brevity. That’s my Story.
When someone’s very drunk, we say they’re “wasted.” Forget productivity, prudence, or best behavior. When a resource is wasted, it is not invested in a good, useful, or effective way.
When was the last time you thought, “What a waste of time!”
Re-claim your lifetime
Here are a couple actions to consider to help protect your most valuable resource.
- Be mindful: what’s going on with your time? Track it.
- Set boundaries: who are the thieves? Where are they breaking in?
- Set appointments: what are the 3 priorities that support goal achievement for today? Now, move from your to-do list to your calendar.
Create Space for Reflection
There’s a lot of noise. Distractions are everywhere. You have one lifetime and you’re in charge of how it paces. Be intentional.
Here’s to your prudent use of time,
PS: If you need a little comic relief, watch John Oliver’s “Daylight Saving Time – How Is This Still A Thing?”
Image: Mattias Karlsson
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