Why Your Team Might Fail

“Your assignment,” Peter Cohan said, “is to explore General Electric’s people strategies. Particularly under Jack Welch’s leadership.”

“Through his 20 years as CEO, GE produced so much management talent that its castoffs ended up running many of the world’s biggest companies.”

The MBA students were in Cohan’s “Strategy and the CEO” class at Babson College.

“Identity key lessons and how they apply to startups?”

Four talent management lessons

When Your Inattention is Required

It was Saturday afternoon when a small team gathered in Independence, Kansas. I had never been in that room, only heard about it. Frankly, it was unusual that I was even allowed to be, in that room. I asked to attend.

The leader, clearly in charge, told me, “Sit at the other end of the table and don’t get up until it’s over.”


Taking Your Team From Sickly Child to Performance Specimen

In 1883, Joe started life as a sickly child. Born in Germany, his father became a prize-winning gymnast, and his mother worked as a naturopath.  But Joe suffered from asthma, rickets, and rheumatic fever.  As a child he obsessed about the “perfect body,” and decided to do something about it. By age 14, his physique was so good he was posing for anatomical charts.

“I must be…

What Those Notifications Really Do to You

Erin and Fred checked their email courtesy of Starbucks. The past few days they were disconnected from technology for a much needed get-away.

“Your attention, please,” the overhead page seeks another weary traveler’s attention.“This is the final boarding call for flight 372A to Kansas City. Passengers Erin and Fred Collins please proceed to gate 3 for flight 372A to Kansas City. The doors of the aircraft will close…