It’s a serious conversation. The weight of the words uttered behind the merry-go-round demand strong proof regarding the speaker’s sincerity, integrity, and commitment. Standing tall, the fourth grader summons her courage, “Cross my heart and hope to die.”
The promise
Promises matter.
A promise deals in potential, possibilities, and something significant: what you hope for in the future. Starting this New Year, you believe advancement is obtainable. The promise of transformation enhances our desire for improvement. The journey is about future success, leaving here to get there as self-managed teams and leaders.
This particular promise speaks to your potential as a Next Level Leader:
- How you will expand your influence
- How you will improve your performance
- How you will effectively communicate
- How you will change unproductive behavior
Commitment is required if a promise becomes reality. We pledge allegiance. We give our word. We offer assurance. Will you commit to pursue the promise knowing breakthroughs are more than wishful thinking?
Breakthrough 2014
So, to experience a breakthrough, you must know the promise. Breaking through obstacles is warfare. The resistance – whether internal or external or both – opposes progress, seeking to hold you back. Yes, it could be a comfort zone that has become too comfortable.
The promise woos, but breakthroughs demand change. Changing behavior is hard work. Remember? But breakthroughs bring greater freedom and advancement … a smashing success compared to previous efforts. Breakthroughs are game-changing.
Where will you break out?
The power of promise is that it shines light on the new – not merely a New Year, but more importantly a new you. Your next breakthrough will bust you free to leap forward. Your influence will expand. Your performance will improve. You will change self-limiting thinking and behaviors. You will fulfill your purpose and make a difference in your world of people. “Cross my heart and hope to die.”
The year is young … enjoy reflecting on the following:
- What promise are you hearing?
- What is your hope for this year?
- What comfort zone must you break out of?
- What old habit(s) must you replace?
- And , what new habit(s) must you develop?
- What will your life be like after your breakthrough? Describe it.
Here’s to your 2014 Breakthrough,
Photo credit: Valentina_A via Compfight
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