This week’s post has me a bit apprehensive as I write out of my journey with my story. If your worldview does not include “Christmas” you may want to pass on this one.
This is a different read, but still about personal development; living life.
This may be a difficult read, depending on your story.
Here is the email I sent our 3 married daughters and their husbands. My goal was to help us “prepare the way” for our family gathering at Christmas…
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Merry Christmas!
Thinking ahead to next week, the weather man tells us not to dream of a white Christmas like we had last year.
Do you realize that could be a once-in-a-lifetime Christmas?
Actually, it was a once-in-a-lifetime experience!
Enough snow to go sledding; highways clear enough for you to make it “Home for Christmas”!
How much of life is “once in a lifetime”?
You’re right, all of it.
I know we continue to grow as a family. The age of your children is creating more space, less chaos; we’re figuring out how to enjoy The Journey. Today, I’m wondering…
How do we make this a memorable Christmas for them?
Grandma with our 8 grand children.
And, how do we create some space to allow us to connect as adults?
How do we connect even better with each other?
This is our first Christmas together with the children at this age.
This is our first Christmas together with the children at this age and the last.
Think about it, this is the first Christmas we’ll be together with our current story…our joy and gratitude, concerns and hopes for the future.
This is the first Christmas we’ll be together with everyone home…8 adults and 8 children; that’s quite a lot of people to play with, feed, bath, sleep, notice, and love.
However, this is not the first time we’ll come with high expectations only to experience some disappointment when it’s over.
This is the first and last time we’ll be together like this.
How will we create space for everyone…the youngest to the oldest?
Let’s plan to that end.
You are amazing.
You and your mate…well we’re proud of you.
In fact, you and your family are awesome!
Love to you, Dad and Mom
Prepare for Today
How will you prepare, not just for Christmas, but for today?
How well do you “see the people”?
Yes, it’s all once-in-a-lifetime.
May you find joy and peace as you live in the moment and find hope for the future.
Merry Christmas!
Last Sunday’s 60 minutes did a segment on people who have “superior autobiographical memories” – they can recall nearly every day of their life as if it were yesterday. Since most of us don’t have this ability, your advice to make every day a “once in a lifetime” memory is very important.
It’s great to see you following through with your goals you set at Sam Crowley’s event in Florida in November(?) 2008. Keep up the good work!
Until next time…Go Boldly!
As one without a “superior” autobiographical memory I’m committed to the discipline of journal writing. I capture the story in my journal but being mindful of how all of life is once-in-a-lifetime reminds me to live in the moment.
Great to hear from you Dino, thanks for your contribution.