You must stick to your conviction, but be ready to abandon your assumptions. – Denis Waitley
As you read this post, “I’m enjoying some well deserved rest and relaxation this week.”
There, I said it, I declared what I believe…and without a “qualifier” on the end.
I could have written – as is often spoken:
“I’m enjoying some well deserved rest and relaxation this week, you know what I mean?”
“I’m enjoying some well deserved rest and relaxation this week, at least I think I deserve it, what do you think?”
A bit of an exaggerated example…but do I deserve time off?
Yes, I do.
No justification, no rationalization, no hope you think so – tagged on.
Here is a great video illustrating, with humor, my message; a video poem by Taylor Mali. (2 minutes 45 seconds)
Typography from Ronnie Bruce on Vimeo.
Typography from Ronnie Bruce on Vimeo.
Last week, I wrote about using raising the human voice.
Today, the question is: How effectively do you use your voice to communicate what you believe?
Silenced or silent voices are leadership limiters.
So is the current trend to speak with tentative inflection or unnecessary tag lines.
When you speak, what do others hear?
What do you think; please comment below.
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