When it comes to getting things done, we need fewer architects and more bricklayers. – Colleen C. Barrett

Recently we remodeled our upstairs bathroom. I first mentioned the experience when I wrote about reducing unnecessary stress.
Everything in the bathroom was done except the cabinets. Rita and I kept the refinishing as our part of the project. We know how to transform that “classic” fruit wood oak finish so popular, back in the day, into a rich-looking, dark finish.
The challenge of this project is not in knowing what to do or how to do it. We’ve been out of town a good bit lately and when we were home for the weekend … there were other things. Do you know what I mean? Some would call it procrastination.
Two Weekends … No Excuse
Then it happened, we had two weekends in a row, at home without other pressing matters. Friday evening Rita and I talked about our plans for Saturday. It was time to start the cabinet project!
The next day, guess what? I had a change of mind regarding the project … it just didn’t interest me.
Now, The Secret
Here’s the truth regarding this project: I/we knew what to do, how to do it, and why we wanted it done. There was only ONE thing required. I’m about to reveal the secret to getting something done.
Take the first step.
There, I reminded you of what you already know. How often do we really put off doing something for a lack of knowing what to do or how to do it or even why we “should” do it? How often is it simply a matter of taking the first step?
Don’t Forget “The Partner”
Honesty requires full disclosure. Rita took the first step.
Yes, in her quiet wisdom she simply asked me a question about “my” drill.
Say no more, I took my DeWalt XRP power drill in hand and charged up the stairs to remove the cabinet doors for my Lady.
Then, without a thought I charged down the stairs to the garage to remove the old hinges from the cabinet doors.
Then, without a thought I pulled out the sawhorses and set up our workspace: a two-station sanding department.
And then, without a thought I grab my Porter Cable Random-Orbit Finishing Sander. Quickly the production line was in operation.
(I had such work intensity I did not notice – but I’m sure you could have observed a smile on Rita’s face with the progress.)
When we moved to the paint department where we would apply the stain, I heard myself say to Rita, “This is kind of fun”.
It’s No Secret
The dragon had been slayed! Procrastination was defeated and the taste of victory, never any sweeter. I was a “brick layer” and we were getting it done!
When you know what to do and how to do it and why it needs to be done (desire) —sometimes all we need is a partner to take the first step with.
What’s on your list?
When will you slay that dragon and enjoy an easy victory?
Please forward to a friend or colleague.
Pick up your copy of my new book:
Your Guide to Changing Behavior and Growing Your Influence as a Leader
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