In my previous article, “Where Has Fear Got You?” I shared the story behind the re-launch of this blog, The People Project. For 18 months my writing was focused on my new book, LEADERS CREATE SPACE. Like a correctional officer, fear held me captive for several months as I contemplated re-engaging with you in this space. Worth noting: When there’s a relationship gap, it’s easy to imagine the…
Why You Don’t Show Up On-Time
“We need to be on the road by 9:00 a.m.,” Rita reminded me. It was Father’s Day so we planned a trip to Southeast Kansas.
Grabbing a few extra minutes, we sat on the patio sipping Sumatra coffee. With our recent schedule we soaked up the moment.
The spring flowers danced pink, yellow, purple, and shades of green throughout our backyard paradise. Japanese Koi glided through the crystal clear…
Getting to the Other Side of Procrastination
“How long has the first Thursday of September been on the calendar?” I ask.
“A very long time,” my inner voice whispered.
I probed further, “And how long has the First Thursday Next Level Leadership Lunch been on the calendar?”
Without judgment, the truthful answer comes out, “Eight months.”
Relentlessly, the reflective exercise continued, “And when did you send the reminder?”
With no place to hide, “Less than a…
Where you find inspiration doesn’t matter as much as this…
This morning, I saw it again. That overgrown tree continued to thrive, blocking out the light. My patch of Bermuda grass thinned. Erosion began eating away the slope.
I knew what to do. I knew how to do it.
Procrastination had worked before, but not this morning.
“Just do it,” I thought.
No, it wasn’t on my calendar. But on Tuesday morning at 7:30 AM I marched to the…
How to counter-attack fear
Alan Webber sat at the end of the boardroom table. After a lot of hard work, he had landed an interview with former German chancellor Helmut Schmidt for Harvard Business Review.
“I’ve got my questions written,” he thought running through his mental checklist. “Recorder is set, last thing I need is a technical glitch and miss this whole thing. Man, this jet lag is killing me –…
The Secret Behind Getting Something Done
When it comes to getting things done, we need fewer architects and more bricklayers. – Colleen C. Barrett
Recently we remodeled our upstairs bathroom. I first mentioned the experience when I wrote about reducing unnecessary stress.
Everything in the bathroom was done except the cabinets. Rita and I kept the refinishing as our part of the project. We know how to transform that “classic” fruit wood oak finish…
Four Steps to Avoid Procrastination
“Procrastination is a dance between the brain and the situation.”
– Timothy Pychyl
Christopher Chan via Compfight
It felt like I was taking one of our daughters to the emergency room.
It happened Monday morning when I loaded my computer in the car and headed to PC Computers & Software….