Sometimes we stare so long at a door that is closing, that we see too late, the one that is open. – Alexander Graham Bell*
Last week I began the discussion around breakthrough success and resistance, asking: “Why the resistance?” Reminding you that …
Resistance always shows up when we step up to do something new, creative, greater … something that promises a better future.
The bottom line: resistance is committed to opposing our progress and knows where to attack with those doubt and fear-based suggestions
What opportunity is in front of you?
In my story, October has become the month of opportunity.
In October, 2007 I made the substantial decision and commitment to invest in executive coaching certification through TCU – Neeley School of Business in Fort Worth, Texas.
Yes, the catalyst for that decision was unexpected and it is true, the opportunity to make that decision was a surprise. But here’s the key: the event created the need to re-consider my Story, see a new opportunity, and then, overcome pockets of resistance along the way.
Yes, like countless others, I had to determine my response and take action or be stuck. Thankfully, I received grace, tapped into my faith, and found freedom to sharpen pursuit of my purpose and passion: the development of people.
What is your story, your opportunity?
What got you here won’t get you there!
Four years later, I face the reality that what got me here won’t get me there.
No matter how good “here” is a better “there” is waiting for all of us.
While I celebrate the success of Next Level Executive Coaching, LLC I am acknowledging this principle: what got me here will not get me to my next level.
To help me get “there” I am investing in my development, including:
- A five-week, Speak to Sell Boot Camp with Lisa Sasevich
- Engaged John Eggen to mentor me in his Publishing and Marketing Program
- Working with Kim Castle and Vito Montone and their BrandU program for building my business
- Attending the two-day Coaching in Leadership and Healthcare Conference presented by McLean Hospital and Harvard Medical School’s Department of Continuing Education in Boston
Not only do I “coach” around this principle, I am committed to it. I know what got me here will not get me to my next level.
How do we defeat those pockets of resistance?
I shared my story around the resistance I experienced making the decision to pursue the author mentoring program. Rest assured the opportunities of October have been met with multiple pockets of opposition, internal and external, real and imagined.
Knowing the opposition, the resistance, the enemy is out there, we must be alert. Prompt, decisive action is required.
Here are the tactics I’m currently using to defeat the resistance:
- Remember the Mission – keep focused on why it matters
- Take Courage – remember previous breakthroughs for encouragement
- Create Space – this is time to take care of yourself physically, mentally, spiritually; guard the harmony of your life
- Disciplined Thinking – being mindful of the messaging in the head
- Tapping Resources – our support system is vital, especially the people who believe
- Manage Well – leverage those tools to manage time and energy
Courage Required
The Resistance uses intimidation to push against achievement. The ancient strategy involves sowing seeds of doubt to encourage fear.
Courage is necessary to push through the opposition and claim the opportunity.
It’s October, filled with opportunity. I’ll see you at the next level!
How do you handle the Resistance?
Where are you stuck today because of the Resistance creating doubt or fear?
Please comment below.
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*Alexander Graham Bell, Scottish born American Inventor and Educator. (1847-1922) Source:
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