In this video, I guide you through The Here to There Journey, a model for change. In less than 12 minutes I will help you:
- Discover the path through the three zones you must travel
- Learn the best predictor of future success
- Uncover the secret to breakthrough performance
After watching the coaching session…
Create Space to Think
Use these questions to help you reflect on your story and gain clarity on your next steps.
- Where do you feel pain or feel “stuck” in life or work?
- What are you telling yourself about your Comfort Zone?
- What fear holds you back from getting to your Safety Zone? What’s the risk, really?
- What’s your “Red Line” what could hold you back from your full potential?
- The Growth Zone is about your ability and willingness to learn and change. On a scale of 1-6, how would you rate your willingness to change: 6 = “bring it,” 1 = “heels dug in”?
- What’s the promise of “There” for you? How do you want to get better?
- What needs to stop/start to have your breakthrough?
Here’s to you and your Next Level Journey,
Photo by Kevin Butz on Unsplash