The Towers Watson 2010 Global Workforce Study reveals a major shift in the traditional employment relationship. According to the study, there is a “recession-weary workforce [with] lower expectations, increased anxiety, and new priorities”.
Whether you are “recession-weary” or weary from the demands of life, financial pressure, packed schedule, too-many-irons-in-the-fire, overloaded-at-work, or just exhausted you must take care of yourself. I’m running into a lot of weary people in my coaching practice.
Recently, I wrote on how to support high performance and the value making progress brings to us …
- Progress in meaningful work energizes
- Guarding against unintentionally hindering work is important
Indeed, making progress provides an emotional boost. At the end of the day, we receive emotional support and motivation from even a small win. High performance is the reward.
Four Keys to Sustaining High Performance
Tony Schwartz, CEO of The Energy Project is author of Be Excellent at Anything. In a recent Harvard Business Review interview he comments on four primary dimensions of energy in relationship to performance.
It is prudent to examine how well you are doing with these in order to support your performance. How well are do you tap into these four energy sources?
- Physical – fitness, sleep, nutrition, and rest
- Emotional – cultivating positive emotions
- Mental – gaining more control of our attention
- Increasing the ability to focus on one thing at a time
- Shifting into the right hemisphere to do more creative work
- Spiritual – defining purpose
How do you rate your life in these areas?
More, more, more…
The pressure is on, the more you can handle the more you are given to handle…that’s the reward — right?
High performance requires energy and while making progress each day is helpful it can only provide so much support. Today’s work place and life depletes energy. It is both prudent and our responsibility to replenish our power supply.
Which of one of these four get-up-and-go energy sources do you need to give attention to?
Now, what is one step, one thing you can do to protect your energy source?
How are you replenishing yourself physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually?
Please share your comments below.
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