What is your top leadership challenge?
According to an international study conducted by the Center for Creative Leadership, there are six common challenges. Which do you identify with the most?
- Developing managerial effectiveness — skills such as time management, prioritizing, decision making, etc.
- Inspiring others
- Developing employees — mentoring and coaching others
- Leading a team
- Guiding change
- Managing internal stakeholders, relationships, politics, and image
In my work as an executive coach, I would agree with this list. Common challenges.
(For a more in-depth guide click here.)
But what’s the #1 challenge?
What I find interesting is the challenge all leaders face is missing: leading oneself.
In a recent email John Maxwell, an international leadership expert wrote about this.
“I get asked one question all the time. “John, what is your biggest leadership problem?”
Well, I’ll tell you: my biggest leadership problem is me. The person I struggle most to lead is John Maxwell.
It is much harder to lead yourself than to lead others.
Living the same advice you give to others is much more difficult.
It’s easier to teach what I know than it is to live what I know.
That’s why for me, there is no greater journey than developing the leader within.”
Why? How? What?
The WHY of Next Level Leadership Development is to expand your influence, first with yourself, then with others. The business of business is people.
The HOW of Next Level Leadership Development is to engage a change process. This requires three things: desire, discipline, and determination.
The WHAT of Next Level Leadership Development requires identification of unproductive behaviors that limit your effectiveness with others. What is it for you? Micro-managing? Telling? Self-control? What must change if you are to expand your influence with yourself and others?
Your first responsibility — dare I say problem? Is to “develop the leader within.” As you lead by example, the opportunity to develop others is a role to cherish not a position to abuse.
Create Space to Think
What do you believe about leadership development?
How do you need to do a better job of leading you?
What’s your leadership development plan?
Here’s to your Next Level Journey,
PS: Transform disruption into clarity for life and work!
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