Welcome to Next Level Coaching Connection. Today, we build on The Gift of Disruption as I guide you through the power available to make a mindset shift. In this video, you will discover the four disciplines to create space to learn from the disruption in your story.
You will:
- Discover the first thing you must have to move forward
- Learn the four powers that give you space to think
- Reinforce the importance of your mindset
Create Space to Think
Identify a situation or disruption in your story that you want to process.
P.A.C.E. yourself and work on your mindset with these steps.
Pause and Breathe … no really, take a breath
Ask Questions
- What got you here? What does there look like? How might you get there?
- What’s your response? Are you feeling like a victim? Are you blaming others? In denial? Are you rationalizing, minimizing, or avoiding?
Challenge Your Beliefs
- What’s the truth? How do you know that’s true?
- What are the assumptions you are making? How have you jumped to conclusions or rushed to pass judgment? What other explanation could there be for this?
- How could this turn into something “for you” instead of “to you”?
Edit the Story
- What happened? What did you want to happen? What must change, or how must you adjust if that is to happen?
For more on this subject see Chapter Six – “The Discipline to Create Space” in my book LEADERS CREATE SPACE.
May you write the story you want to tell in 2020,
Photo by Nadine Shaabana on Unsplash